Friday, May 23, 2008

Copy Cat

I stole this from Diana
I am:
Far from perfect
I know:
God's plan is perfect
I want:
To get healthy
I have:
Ridiculous amounts of student loans
I wish:
I could pay them off so I could have another baby
I hate:
roller coaster and scary movie
I miss:
Having summer's hasnt' even started and I miss it already
I fear:
The death of my husband
I feel:
Happy to have an amazing husband and son
I hear:
My radio..trying to entertain me
I smell:
The musty scent of our old office building
I crave:
These amazing brownies from down stairs
I search:
For my shoes, Kaden loves to hide them around the house
I wonder:
How long I will sit in neutral before my career path is shown to me
I regret:
My education degree, should have done nursing..maybe someday
I love:
My husband, son and family
I always:
Brush my teeth, first thing. Ok, after I potty!
I believe:
A person will never truly experience peace and full joy without believing in Jesus Christ, and being filled with the Holy Spirit
that in order to be happy sometimes, you have to be the bigger person.
I dance:
In the living room with Kaden and Jon, hard hats optional
I sing:
In the car (with sisser), at home and to Kaden before he goes to sleep
I don’t always:
Close cabinet doors..I don't know why but I always forget!
I write:
Emails and blogs!
I lose:
Will power around pastries but never games!
I never:
Let a day go by without telling my husband and son that I love them
I like to listen:
To Kaden talk, it is the best to try to figure out what he is jabbering about.
I can usually be found:
Playing with Kaden, in the kitchen or sleeping
I am scared:
Of everything! ok not everything but I am a chicken!
I am happy about:
Having amazing friends and family to help with Kaden!

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