Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Weight update

As of today I have lost 5 pounds! WOO HOO!
Jon has lost 7..BTW this was without one lick of exercise...stinkin' guys and there natural muscle! He has been in pain from snowboarding..he pulled a muscle between his ribs..OW!
I am hitting the gym today during lunch! Even though my hips and calfs are screaming for me to take a month off.....


The Cochran Fam said...

Great job in the first week!! Love the picture at the top of your page. Now you'll have to give me did you do that?

Diana Richards said...

Way to go! That is awesome! Good idea on blogging are brave! :) Good luck...I got pregnant so I wouldn't have to worry about the weight! HA!

The Cochran Fam said...

nevermind...I figured it out!