Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just a spoon full of Sugar........

(Everybody sing to the tune of Spoon full of sugar)

Helps the corn dogs go down.....
The fried smores go down!
Go dooooown!

Just a spoon full of sugar helps the
fried peaches go down.............
Until the heartburn gets in the way!!!

"Enjoying" the backyard circus.
This lion was the most exciting part of it....
Self portrait at the pig races.....

What we will look like if we visit the fair very often ....tee hee
Oh, then we had the fried peaches and cream.....

The best by far though was the Fried Grilled Cheese!!!!
After a heart stopping four hour dinner..we headed to see Mary Poppins!
It was the best musical I have ever seen! Go see it if you can!

Welcome back State have thrown off my diet again!

1 comment:

TracyCakes said...

I LOVE it...I was singing the whole thing! It looks like you two had fun...good for you!